This week our class kicked off at the iconic Rail Museum in Ipswich. As the sun sunk below the skyline, the museum came to life with the renowned BrisStyle twilight makers markets going into full swing. We were joined by a class of wonderful ladies who came to paint the night away.
On offer was Suomi, this piece was special to us having Finnish linage, and somehow apt as the temperature at the venue started to drop.

As the night went on it was wonderful to see the ladies taking advantage of the flexibility our class is becoming known for. We had people creating in alternate colours, experimenting with shapes, techniques and working on their own take of the goal.
"You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have." -- Maya Angelou
We hope to have left our attendees with some residual creative vibes! Check out the photos below and be sure to follow us on facebook and Instagram to be the first to know about upcoming classes!
#Sipndip #sipndipartclass #BoovalArtClass #DinmoreCottageArtClass #DinmoreCottage #RailwayMuseum #Railway #BrisStyle #MakersMarket #Market #Painting #Ipswich
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