Hello Sip 'n' Dippers,
We once again find ourselves in lockdown and have created our LIVE blog post to allow clients to stay up to date with our progress through our lockdown checklist.
You can find all the information you need regarding the current lockdown below. We will continue to update you as more information comes to hand.
Please read on to update yourself regarding your class. For more information about the terms and conditions of your ticket please visit the terms and conditions here.
You can find current information on the lockdown at Queensland Health here.
Sip 'n' Dip

The most up-to-date information can be located here. We are waiting on Queensland Health to update their website and are presently on hot with their hotline to acertain if we are required to cancel classes before the lockdown cut off as part of the public health directive.
Lockdown restrictions for the 11 LGAs in Queensland has been introduced. From 4pm the only reason to leave home will be to buy essentials, such as groceries and shopping, work if you can't work from home, exercise within 10 kilometers of your home, and healthcare, including vaccinations. The current lockdown directive is for these areas:
Brisbane City
Moreton Bay
Gold Coast
Lockyer Valley
Logan City
Noosa Shire
Redland City
Scenic Rim
Sunshine Coast
This page will be updated with information relating to classes based on our discussions with the COVID HOTLINE soon.
Date Time Details
31/07/21 10.00AM We have been advised there is a 3 day lockdown from 4pm
31/07/21 10.30AM We have commenced the lockdown protocol.
31/07/21 11:00AM On hold with the COVID-19 Hotline for clarification
31/07/21 11:10AM Jet's Ipswich Class Cancelled for 12pm today by venue
31/07/21 11:30AM Phone calls to Jets clients commenced
31/07/21 11:36AM Regional Managers contacting clients re upcoming events
31/07/21 12:00PM Regional Managers provided go ahead to confirm with clients
31/07/21 12:32PM Brisbane South Region Client Notification Compelted
31/07/21 1:00PM Ipswich Region Client Notification Compelted
31/07/21 1:24PM Toowoomba Client Notifications Compelted
31/07/21 1:33PM Brisbane West Client Notifications Compelted
31/07/21 1:46PM Sip 'n' Dip Staff Briefed on Lockdown Event
02/08/21 10:00AM Lockdown Extended
02/08/21 11:00AM Regional Manager Meeting
02/08/21 12:30PM Regional Managers to confirm postponed events
02/08/21 1.11PM Brisbane West Client Notifications Compelted
02/08/21 1.30PM Brisbane South Region Client Notification Compelted
02/08/21 1.54PM Brisbane CBD Contacted OZTIX to commence notifications
02/08/21 2.05PM Brisbane CBD Region Client Notification (Soundgarden) Comp.
02/08/21 2.20PM Ipswich Region Client Notification Compelted
08/08/21 10:00AM Premier advised lockdown will be lifted
08/08/21 11:00AM Posted update to Facebook Pinned post
08/08/21 11:30AM Phoned the national covid hotline
08/08/21 12:00PM Phone Queensland health
08/08/21 1:00PM Regional Managers tasked to confirm venue reqs
08/08/21 1:47PM Briefed staff on returning to work [here]
08/08/21 1:50PM Briefed staff on class requirements [here]
08/08/21 2.19PM Briefed RM's on process to advise clients
08/08/21 2:30PM Customer notifications commenced
08/08/21 3.27PM Classes confirmed for upcoming week Ipswich
09/08/21 2:00PM Brisbane North Rebooking Complete
09/08/21 2:10PM Toowoomba Region Complete
This blog is live and updates will be made in real-time stay tuned and revist this blog for the most up-to-date information on our classes nationally.
Date/Time Location Region Status
31/07/2021 Jets Ipswich IPW Rebooked to 18/10
31/07/2021 Private - Duffy IPW Follow Up email sent 20/08
31/07/2021 Springfield CC IPW Rebooked to 18/09
31/07/2021 Private - Gibbs IPW Follow Up email sent 20/08
31/07/2021 Private - Smith IPW Follow Up email sent 20/08
02/08/2021 Studio - YMME Kids IPW Rebooked - Wk1 SCH HOL
04/08/2021 Studio Community Art IPW Rebooked to 15/09
06/08/2021 Springfield CC IPW Rebooked 10/09
07/08/2021 Studio Masterclass IPW Rebooked 25/09
07/08/2021 Springfield CC IPW Rebooked 25/09
31/07/2021 Chapters Karalee BNE WST Rebooked to 04/09/2021
06/08/2021 Kenmore Tavern BNE WST Rebooked to 17/09/2021
08/08/2021 Karalee Chapters BNE WST Rebooked to 12/09/2021
31/07/2021 Browns Plains CC BNE STH Postponed - Pending new date
05/08/2021 Southgate BNE WST Postponed - Pending new date
07/08/2021 Loganholme CC BNE STH Postponed - Pending new date
31/07/2021 Toowoomba CC TWB Proceeded
06/08/2021 Toowoomba Stella TWB Proceeded
06/08/2021 Toowoomba CC TBW Proceeded
07/08/2021 Toowoomba Private TBW Proceeded
07/08/2021 Toowoomba CC TWB Proceeded
08/08/2021 Warwick CC TWB Proceeded
03/08/2021 Mango Hill Tavern BNE NTH Rebooked for 14/09/21
06/08/2021 Mango Hill Stella BNE NTH Rebooked for 03/09/21
08/08/2021 La Zucca BNE NTH Rebooked for 12/09/21
04/08/2021 Sound Garden CBD Rebooked for 29/09/21
Classes beyond the lifting of lockdown are proceeding as planned.
Please note the following email addresses have been rejected on the server - if this is you please use the blog as a guide for rebooking dates.
We await advice from the Qld government as to when lockdown will be lifted. Once we know we will provide further advice.
Note for events to proceed after lockdown, we will be required to meet spacing requirements which will not be advised until after the premier has lifted the lockdown. A lifting of lockdown does not mean classes will proceed. We are required to adhere to the lockdown spacing requirements, we will provide more information once it comes to hand.
Note for events in Toowoomba and Warwick or areas where the boarder to a lifted lockdown is very close by these classes. We have sourced staff from outside the lockdown area to service these classes to allow them to proceed. Anyone attending that is from inside a lockdown area will be issued a credit as they will be unable to leave lockdown to attend, to ensure we are adhering with federal laws.
In the event of a lockdown Sip 'n' Dip will follow the below protocol across all regions - as each event is completed we will update the live update timeline above to confirm:
Review communications provided by the state and federal government and comply with the required actions. Completed
Select the events we are required to postpone. Completed
Contact our venues to advise our position, and provide advice as to which actions we are required to take to comply with said required actions. Completed
Contact our artists to ensure their welfare, safety, and provide advice on any shift cancellations. Completed
Contact our studio and advise closure requirements and additional safety requirements. Completed
Based on these actions we will follow the below process in order:
Post on Facebook acknowledging the lockdown and providing confirmation that advice will be forthcoming. Then pin this post to the top of the page. Completed
Add an automatic responder to the Facebook messager reflecting this message. Completed
Add a pop-up to the website reflecting this message Completed
Message all attendees via email to let them know their classes have been postponed with advice for when our next contact will be with them. Completed
Change the title of events that have been postponed on both the website and on Facebook. Completed
Once this sequence has been followed we will wait for advice from the local, state, and federal governments as to the appropriate next step. Once restrictions are eased we will follow the below protocol:
Contact all our artists to check their comfort in teaching and confirm shifts. Completed - Read the communication here.
Contact our venues to confirm their ability to host planned classes under any existing restrictions Completed
Contact all regional managers and staff to confirm the requirements for classes once lockdown has been lifted Completed - Read the communication here.
Contact ticket holders via email for any events in the next 7 days and email them to confirm their classes will proceed. Completed
Update the Facebook post, website pop up and autoresponder to include the new information. Completed
Proceed to reschedule postponed events for 4 - 6 weeks' time. In progress
Arrange and transfer tickets across to the new event and issue credits for those who can not make the event In progress
Proceed to watch information advice from the local, state, and federal government as to the appropriate next step and action/repeat the protocol as required. In progress
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